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nismo94tuner's Likes Received
- All posts made by nismo94tuner that members have liked.
Posts: 201-225 of 617
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Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: Trackforged Tri-Y header completed!!!
Post: ^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have mo...
^Exactly. Keep up the good work guys. Its nice to have more people willing to step up for our community and provide a header you can buy and bolt on.
2013-12-14 05:15
Thread: sr16 piston questions
Post: If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block de...
If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block decked with the new pump so its a true flat surface.
2013-12-13 06:35
Thread: sr16 piston questions
Post: If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block de...
If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block decked with the new pump so its a true flat surface.
2013-12-13 06:35
Thread: sr16 piston questions
Post: If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block de...
If you swap to a VE pump, I recommend having the block decked with the new pump so its a true flat surface.
2013-12-13 06:35
Thread: sr16 piston questions
Post: If you put them in a DE (which doesn't have oil squirters...
If you put them in a DE (which doesn't have oil squirters), you will not need to notch the skirt. No modifications are necessary to the valve reliefs. Drop them in and go. I recommend upgrading val...
2013-12-12 18:16
Thread: Finally back together after 2 years.
Post: Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use hi...
Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use his spare metal hood and put a hole through it so we can run a race 3" exhaust dump out the hood, like this post!!!
2013-11-01 23:59
Thread: tri -y headers
Post: This whole thread turned to shit. If you are running a st...
This whole thread turned to shit. If you are running a stock intake manifold, you have bigger problems than worrying about what header is best. Period.
2012-12-14 19:55
Thread: NX with cage for $400
Post: Yeah the metal shop in my garage would chop that shit rig...
Yeah the metal shop in my garage would chop that shit right out. I would gut that whole area anyway. It would be a track slut if only it was a few states closer. Lol
2013-12-02 04:00
Thread: NX with cage for $400
Post: Yeah the metal shop in my garage would chop that shit rig...
Yeah the metal shop in my garage would chop that shit right out. I would gut that whole area anyway. It would be a track slut if only it was a few states closer. Lol
2013-12-02 04:00
Thread: What Did You Do To Your B13 Today?
Post: The bad bitch will be out soon. https://fbcdn-sphotos-...
The bad bitch will be out soon.

2013-05-16 04:38
Thread: Can someone identify this VE header *pic*
Post: Jesus that modification dominates up top. Nice work!
Jesus that modification dominates up top. Nice work!
2013-11-22 23:42
Thread: Finally back together after 2 years.
Post: Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use hi...
Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use his spare metal hood and put a hole through it so we can run a race 3" exhaust dump out the hood, like this post!!!
2013-11-01 23:59
Thread: Finally back together after 2 years.
Post: Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use hi...
Anyone who thinks Mr. Bergenstein over here should use his spare metal hood and put a hole through it so we can run a race 3" exhaust dump out the hood, like this post!!!
2013-11-01 23:59
Thread: Finally back together after 2 years.
Post: He made man numbers because he wasn't a pussy, you pussy....
He made man numbers because he wasn't a pussy, you pussy. Lol
2013-11-07 03:17
Thread: Convention Dates Are Official
Post: Manny killed it. LOL http://www.laughroulette.com/wp-c...
Manny killed it. LOL

2013-10-25 00:38
Thread: 2014 SR20 National Convention Is Coming Back To OHIO!!!!
Post: Should be consistent 10's by then. We will get there befo...
Should be consistent 10's by then. We will get there before the year is finished! ;)
2013-10-16 05:24
Thread: Center feed SR20VE intake manifold design
Post: To get the thread back on track, who would be interested ...
To get the thread back on track, who would be interested in buying one of these manifolds? More interest = less cost. ;)
2013-11-11 18:34
Thread: Center feed SR20VE intake manifold design
Post: Air filter out of the hood ftmfw. lol
Air filter out of the hood ftmfw. lol
2013-11-10 18:04
Thread: Center feed SR20VE intake manifold design
Post: I have plenty of confidence in Hayward. Pricey but the qu...
I have plenty of confidence in Hayward. Pricey but the quality comes with it especially on custom pieces. I dropped 1,600$ on my header no knowing if it would work. He did the math and we hoped it ...
2013-11-08 04:03
Thread: Center feed SR20VE intake manifold design
Post: Air filter out of the hood ftmfw. lol
Air filter out of the hood ftmfw. lol
2013-11-10 18:04
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