I have used nistune with the calum before. Any tuner who has a sense of tuning chrome or any honda chipping program can tune the calum. I am sure TrackForged would would tune for you but its at $125/hr...
I myself will be going with AEM when I get back into the cars
from what i've seen guys get like 250~260 with a t25.. but i guess its possible.
It might take 17-18psi to maxx out the DET maf (and the 370s) but I am trying to assume he has a good setup with higher output.
Most turners can easily figure out the Calum which works off of Tunerpro.
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1991 NX - Stalking Horse - mild bolt-ons
1993 Sentra - my freinds 4 door SE-R VVL USDM Tsuru Sunny Supersaloon conversion in progress
2011 Forester XT - DD
"Everybody's got a plan... and then I punch them in the mouth." Mike Tyson
How many hours should it take to tune? I don't see how it can take more than an hour to tune with a real time. Mebe 10mins to setup straps and etc. Ill try calling up some shops tomorrow. Just was hoping someone here with a calum got theirs tuned locally.
Damn, this whole time I thought the DET and DE mafs were the same and read 250hp for DE, I'm going to use my DET maf if I can find it (hope I didn't toss it)
When swapping maf's all you need to do is change VQ tables?