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Thread: Golden gardens is dead ??

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Posts: 81-90 of 172
2011-11-28 18:36:06
Same. Id like for this pussy shit to end and us figure out if were going to gg...i mean Orgy fest or not. And if not what kind of event we should put together.
2011-11-28 18:40:30
WOW is all...

2011-11-28 18:41:09

im going to have this thread cleaned up guys
2011-11-28 18:41:57
Why? I wouldnt even worry about it...
2011-11-28 18:42:29
so we can all figure out whats going on like gentlemen
2011-11-28 18:43:13
A b-series meet is not an event. You will never get more than 10 guys together. I would suggest to make it a multi-forum meet and include the more mature crowds.
2011-11-28 18:43:22
I dont pay any attention to a ghost website. That thing took 5 minuites to load because of all the ads on there.
2011-11-28 18:44:57
2 things...

Less crying...
More planning...

I don't even own a FWD anymore, but someone needs to carry a torch.
2011-11-28 18:46:06
^^^ There is one OG... Sup Rich
2011-11-28 18:50:31
well if anyone is to carry the torch in my neck of the woods its obviously me.. while i may not be as old of a member as some, im the most involved.
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