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Thread: Golden gardens is dead ??

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2011-11-28 11:29:24
What we need to do is all sit down together and iron something out.
2011-11-28 16:06:11
You guys can rent out a spot at Vancouver lake, it was fairly cheap and is at a good location.

2011-11-28 16:09:58
Originally Posted by jrbump
Dan for the first time ever i kinda agree with your fat vanilla ass.

My first GG was in my sentra, my first car meet I ever threw was a SE-R meet.

I was bummed when i sold my egg about a year ago and i'm trying to buy my 16 year old son an SE-R as we speak.

Most everything everyone has said about NWN and GG is true in this thread.

You know, they guy who started GG and the people who made it huge are all a part of rightwheeldrive.

Might be time to get things back to their roots.

Quoted for the truthiness LOL, Diemetri was pretty much one of the first to hold a successful B-series meet that actually took care of all permits and such required.
2011-11-28 16:37:46
Originally Posted by sentraman
You guys can rent out a spot at Vancouver lake, it was fairly cheap and is at a good location.


Yah man and we can all go racing down lower river road with the bikes and the chicks and the BEER!!!!!!

To many illegal racers and ricers hang out on the road down there causing issues. I went to take my kid to the park one day in my 200sx and had a cop following me the whole way even into the lot untill he saw me pulling my kid out to take him to the play area.
2011-11-28 16:40:58
^^^ So who is doing the racing? Cheap and easy is what I see. Don't do anything illegal and you won't get pulled over DUH!!!
2011-11-28 17:51:03
Ud be surprised with how many cars vancouver police pull over and inspect that come near lower river road. Where the idiots race is right outside city limits, so the cops usually pull people over and inspect them to nail them for illegaly modified shit that come otu of that area. The ricer kids are stupid down there anyway, id be afraid of them trying to come into our event and start shit with the bike riders.
2011-11-28 17:53:18
I have been down there many times and have never been messed with, but i guess. There are many other parks with good parking.
2011-11-28 18:00:47
jesus christ guys this threads turned into a fucking boo hoo fest, lets just figure something out an do it. im not going to california i dont have the cash for that shit an to be honest i dont really like several of the guys down there. i dont like this jrbump guy either, he's a rude fuck and i wont have anything to do with people like that.

another thing, whatever we do lets do in after all the rain.. im seriously tired of standing in the rain lol
2011-11-28 18:06:33
This is what the Pacnw has turned into a bunch of kids ... Jrbump is a great friend of mine and has done enough for this community. Time for someone else to step it up...
2011-11-28 18:09:29
Originally Posted by GearJammer
What we need to do is get the whole west coast SR scene together and rent PIR or ORP for a track day. Im talking road course racing baby! I have not been to ORP yet, but it looks nice and seems pretty reasonable to rent for a day. Dec-Feb $2000 per day, not including insurance (almost a grand), $2500 in March. Those are weekend day prices too. Summer months are expensive haha. If we can get like 50 people, that would be less than $60 each, and even less if more people. Think we can get Californians to come up and Canadians to come down?

Darren this would never work, seeing as most b-series guy can't even afford a dyno day...
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