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Thread: Golden gardens is dead ??

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2012-03-05 21:12:46
Be ware the Ides of March.

Golden Gardens approaches.
2012-03-06 08:56:32
Originally Posted by GreenG20t
Be ware the Ides of March.

Golden Gardens approaches.

Its not GG no more , it is Nissan fest .....it is some type of replacement
2012-03-07 18:02:37
I hate the fact that GG is now a drift event. It just wont be the same, but ill probably still roll up there. No doubt the park is to small for how big the meet is now.
2012-03-08 03:40:58
I was really ooking forward to GG too ....I am hoping I am not disapointed with Nissan Fest
2012-03-08 08:03:53
I am not going to Nissan Fest, I'm going to Golden Gardens as I have every year for the last 6 years on the last Sunday in March.
2012-03-08 15:44:51
can't say i'm disappointed
GG started life as a small (5 or 6 guys) fwd nissan meeting place. a place for some guys to meet up and share their interest in the venerable sr20 and b/g chassis. it got outta hand when the rwd guys discovered it and sort of " took over". NOW it can go back to its roots.
a meet doesn't have to have 1000 ppl to be a success
so when is the next meet @ "The Gardens"?
2012-03-08 20:11:11
I saw a bunch of subie guys post up that they are going... Good luck with the bro crowd...
2012-03-09 01:02:18
Do you have any pics of those meets, Ric? Those were good times, man.

I never thought that we were the pioneers, but I guess you're right about that.
2012-03-09 01:05:54
The nwn guys remind me of the datsun guys that ran the Mt. Shasta meets. The meet was started by a bunch of datsun roadster guys, then 510's started showing, and the 510's took over the event, eventually pretty much telling the Modesto Coast roadster owners who started teh thing to Fuck off. So they would do their own meet the same day in the city and you would see like no roadsters at the shasta meet. Also they were usually mean to the 510 and z owners, but nice to a few of us who understood how they got screwed over. And then the Shasta event died several years ago i still miss driving down there in the dime and enjoying a weekend at a mountain resort, driving up the mountain with a line of datsuns, the mountain air and just having so much fun.
2012-03-11 18:27:03
Last Sunday in March. Golden Gardens. Be there. 10am.
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