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Thread: Teal97's beautiful B14 has been spotted.

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2011-07-23 03:31:26
Teal97's beautiful B14 has been spotted.
Aha RIC I finally saw you car! I was at work ( I work at master park valet now) and I noticed a sharp looking b14 with the luchino* front end I honked twice but I think you propably didn't notice me this all happen infront of the airport off 184th
2011-07-23 07:50:06
I can't wait till I do my body work and paint....maybe then someone will call my b14 beautiful snif snif
2011-07-24 02:35:32
Originally Posted by CalHasLostVegas
Aha RIC I finally saw you car! I was at work ( I work at master park valet now) and I noticed a sharp looking b14 with the luchino* front end I honked twice but I think you propably didn't notice me this all happen infront of the airport off 184th

ahh yes. i remember hearing a horn. never figure they're blasting @ me though. thanx for the prop. off topic..BoxsterS' are sooo slooow
Last edited by Teal97 on 2011-07-24 at 02-39-01.
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