1st we did a couple base pulls to see what the afr's were looking like.
holy crap this frugger was pretty lean up top. so we commenced to dick with that for a while (lowering the cell values in that region). we also found that lowering the ve table values helped even more.
then it was on to the timing tables.
i'm sure you guy's have heard it before. Timing! the ve loves timing, and lots of it. we added anywhere from 4-7* to the stock ve curve above ~6k and added 2-3* to some lower cells just to smoothen the transition. we didn't screw with the cam switch points at all. still @ 5kin/5.6kex.
we were seeing 4.73v on the ve maf so we played with the maf table a little, but ended up putting it back to normal.
the last time i saw these kind of numbers from my ve was last year when we were testing the headers Charles was building. if you guys remember, the Chuck header smashed the fuji #'s throughout the midrange and at the top end. and that was on the dynojet.
soooooo. put this altogether and i see a very real possibility of ~220whp/165tq with only bolt-ons.
now who's gonna man up? (taking donations