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Thread: new bumpsticks

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2011-07-06 15:24:59
new bumpsticks
have arrived
was gonna go with a custom grind, but due to the NZ earthquake a few months back, they aren't doing custom grinds yet (according to their website).
these are 184c's. they'll be paired with a new custom ss header from a guy back east
i want to dyno the car as she sits, then do the cam swap and re-dyno. then the header swap and dyno again.
Last edited by Teal97 on 2011-07-06 at 15-42-29.
2011-07-06 16:07:25
Just looks like a box to me

2011-07-06 16:09:30
Yeah all's I see is a box with some stickers you probably made in your basement.
2011-07-06 16:09:46
cant wait to see the results.
2011-07-06 16:28:15
You guys aren't looking hard enough. There's also a pepper grinder and other kitchen assortment.
2011-07-06 17:30:20
2011-07-06 17:41:04

OH Boy! More Stickers
2011-07-06 18:06:06
after upping the rev limiter to 7k the other day all i can say is.. Holy Shiznit!
can't imagine what it'll feel like with the upgraded cams and header
2011-07-06 18:09:47
You bet man. All that hard work paying off.
2011-07-22 03:14:38
Please take a pic of the spec card, is this the version 3s? I would like to compare to mine
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