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2011-10-19 00:52:56
Unnatural...let me say this teal

They closed their doors for a fucking reason, fucking people over, putting their projects on top of their CUSTOMERS, meaning they would rather work on their personal cars, and let customers cars sit in the yard. Not to mention their work, id trust a monkey with a shit covered wrench more to work on my car than ANYONE that ever worked for or at unnatural. They fucked up the tranny in my car even, the guy i sold my 200sx took it there and put a pos used tranny in his car that they didnt even check and charged him a grand for the job. They did shotty work, got lots of complaints, horrid customer service, and guys that just didnt care. I do not recomend anyone from that shop teal. I dont care if he says, or thinks hes a good guy but i dont trust anyone ever from there. When they shut their doors they fucked alot of people over and from what i heard even took some money and didnt finish projects, just called the owners and said come pick up yoru shit or it will be towed.

Just dont want to see you get screwed buddy.

Also he probally meant he burned so many people in portland he came up there where no one knows unnatural or him so he could get some fucking work. I wouldnt trust one of their ex employees to add windshield wiper fluid. a majority of the things i hear about them has always been bad. I almost took my 510 there to get a motor swap but changed my mind after 10 people pmed me not to.
2011-10-19 00:57:40
Hell heres some reviews about their shit.
Unnatural Inc - Beaverton, OR, 97005 - Citysearch

Also they were known for theft.

Thread on nico forum.

Just trying to save you some idiocracy teal.
Last edited by danfiveten on 2011-10-19 at 01-01-38.
2011-10-19 01:03:26
teal are you saying you need some one to install your kelfords ?

2011-10-19 01:10:53
the cam swap is simple shiit. its the shimming i'm concerned about getting right:o.
there's WAY too much $$ sunk into this biatch to screw it up, now.

someone show me once, i'll do it myself.
2011-10-19 01:14:08
you can do this your self bro.

talk to jaime, he can give you a explination over the phone, and im sure you feel confident.

its not hard at all to do.

i dont feel that its that important with ve's to be honest. that is just my opinion though.

2011-10-19 01:17:44
no Fluid! or friends thereof
Holy Shiiet
thanks for the heads up!
2011-10-19 01:26:07
Originally Posted by STRATTON
you can do this your self bro.

its not hard at all to do.

i dont feel that its that important with ve's to be honest. that is just my opinion though.


thanks for the vote of confidence, Strat.

do we need a dial indicator setup and degree wheel?
2011-10-19 01:38:53
I used to dyno at unnatural. 3 or 4 times. They were always really good and let me get like 10-12 runs for the price of 3. Really professional and friendly.

they did always try to sell me a power fc that i didnt need.

then one day they got run out of town... ymmv.
2011-10-19 01:43:30
To degree the cams.. yeah it is a bit of work... but do some reading and you can figure it out. Just make sure you lock the rocker of the cylinder your measuring.

Re shimming them is stupid easy. Just need a feeler gauge and a caliper. Drop the kelfords in and start measuring. And see how far you are... very simple.
2011-10-19 02:44:49
They were nice to some people, but there are alot of cases of theft with them to, and a owner that was never arouned to do work.
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