vacuum lines/cai elbows/couplings
because of the size (length) of the xcessive mani the H/S wai/cai shit doesn't fit w/o interfering with the master cylinder. i have a two 45* (30* might have been better) couplings on the way. 1 is a 3"-2.75" reducer elbow for the de t/b, the other 3"-3" 45* elbow for the N1 t/b. either way, i'm gonna have to drill the plenum to mount my existing throttle cable bracket. the one i have from xcessive is too close to the t/b to take up the slack in the cable.
any experts out there see a problem with running the brake booster and pcv valve off a TEE fitting to a single large vacuum port? i figured vacuum is vacuum so why not
. if no good, can i vent the pcv valve to air (w/filter)?
once i get the mani crap sorted, its good to go for start up