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2011-10-20 19:08:57
Originally Posted by blackb13se-r
damn man. and from what i read them gaskets are expensive.

uh, huh. but its the labor and down time that sucks the most.

Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DET
- Which HG were you using anyway? Maz, or something else?


Originally Posted by Re-spect
Ohh boy, listen to what I say,pull the whole motor apart,your bearings are shot. I know that for a fact...

with the WAY high iron, copper and chromium i agree.

Originally Posted by STRATTON
Dayum, ric. I feel for you bro, beem there done that a few times.

My reccomendation is do what we spoke about over the phone

Call me if you need any convincing bro .


presently weighing my options. only thing i know right now is........i'm keeping the car.
it may end up electric pwrd for all i know
2011-10-20 19:39:33
Since you love torque, you should just go electric.
2011-10-20 19:45:05
What does the cams lobes look like? I'm sure the rockers will receive a little wear, but I'm not sure if that is above the normal or not. Someone with more rep should be able to answer.
2011-10-20 20:47:42
Close up of the cams over that rocker?

Any marks on those lobes?
2011-10-20 21:41:05
damn dude... what the hells with these 2.4's not bein able to stay together?

sorry to hear about this shit man. maybe its the cranks that are causing issues?
2011-10-20 21:57:48
I asked this question in Strats thread as well, Id like to know if your running the mazworx crank or the ebay one. Might have been an issue with the cranks causing bearing failures, either out of round on the journal or improper oil clearances.
2011-10-20 22:05:09
i think all those cranks are made in china or something.

when i was thinkin of going big i was going to stay 2.3, even before this an before strat's thread it just seemed like changing the crank was a bad idea.

i would seriously like to see guys start to do more 2.3 setups and see how they do because the 2.4's seem to be a nightmare, especially for .1 more displacement.
2011-10-20 22:13:55
amazing work!!
2011-10-21 00:17:21
Originally Posted by Viprdude
Close up of the cams over that rocker?

Any marks on those lobes?

slight wear is all. these same cams have over 40k miles.
i'll do up some corresponding pix of the cam lobes later.
i don't think the cranks have anything to do with 2.4 failures.
imho, its the hg not doing its job.
bolo for a 2.4 hc short block soon
2011-10-21 00:18:26
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