mods, since the engine build is finished, installed and running, lets close this thread. all further discussion should appear in a specific thread impressions, dyno time, whatever.
Originally Posted by Teal97 i'm sure he could. i still have the bracket from the oem plenum he could draw from. so...what after market t/b do you have that has dual pullies? or, are you using the usdm t/b on a custom plenum?
did a little more map tuning today after the alignment. i reduced the timing in low load/low rpm cells. and..found out i just couldn't live with the 4k limiter (4k comes way too fast) so i raised it to 5.1k. call me conservative
^I still have the Q45 I bought from you. I haven't really looked it over, but I know I still want to keep cruise on my car.
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1993 SE-R | 2.0L Full bolt-on setup | 2.3L VE up next | 2015 Q50-S | 3.7L The Sunday car | 2003 Kia Rio-cinco | 1.6L gas saving daily driver |
Originally Posted by SR20GTi-R NA is a thinking man's game, alot of people dont have the stomach to play NA.
so ya dude its been almost a month, an i know your gonna close this thread an shit, but whats up? i have been keeping my eye out for threads for this to pop up but havent seen anything..
Good friends of mines Ex GF bought it. (lol funny story on that too) then apparantly she had Charles ASP? do some things for her, but she moved and sold it.. heard the motor popped on the new owner(his fault)
I got me P11 now and a lil gsxr6
and yea i remember your screen name now too