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2010-12-01 03:24:11
Nice car Teal97 but what happened to it? If I could just help you, I would. But good luck. That's just the help I can give.
2010-12-01 04:29:07
^^Uh... Something seems fishy with that post...

2010-12-04 00:11:09
fabbing a new...
...1st section for the cai. because the original h/s tube is curved it screws with the angle off the new mani. even if i cut the curved end off, the iat sensor would interfere with the brake lines near the brake reservoir. with a straight coupler it didn't have ENOUGH angle to clear the same shit

so, i decided to use 8" of the stainless 3" vrs pipe kit i've had laying around for the last 6 yrs. then i picked up a tap and fitting @ carquest.
i'm also replacing the old rubber fuel lines in the engine bay cuz they've hardened over time.
i'm gonna drill holes in the mani and mount the throttle/cruise cable bracket you see in the pic (i'll paint it gloss black). i've modified the oem 14 y/o de tps to fit the pretty 70mm t/b on the way from Oz. it also still fits the de t/b
2010-12-04 00:27:49
Originally Posted by Dan_93SER
I really think you should GIVE your HS CAI to me.

the 1st pipe is available. bring your $$
2010-12-04 02:36:41
Slowly getting there.....
2010-12-04 02:54:27
Nice work man. Whats left ?

2010-12-04 02:56:35
im gonna need a ride in this bad boy!! maybe we can meet up sometime an let our cars play.. i got a killer BBQ
2010-12-04 03:47:04
Originally Posted by lynchfourtwenty
im gonna need a ride in this bad boy!! maybe we can meet up sometime an let our cars play.. i got a killer BBQ

Nice work Ric. Can I come?
2010-12-04 04:33:06
i think i should start a northwest sr20 bbq for this summer
2010-12-04 05:03:52
Congrats on getting your project all together.Keep up the good work man.
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