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Thread: Spokane/ Coeur d'Alene area

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2009-02-16 04:33:41
Spokane/ Coeur d'Alene area
There seems to be a lot of guys in the Seattle and Portland areas, but I don't really ever see many peeps out here. I know of a couple of you, but everyone who happens to be close by, lmk.

We should maybe try to get something together, maybe start doing some regular stuff? Anyone down?

2009-02-16 06:59:58
Keep an eye out for Uncle Dave, he's a one cool dude in a Sliver p10t on P11 meshies.
2009-02-16 18:38:13
Im down
2009-02-16 22:04:53
That's what I'm talkin about!
2009-02-19 18:08:01
Where are my Inland Northwest peeps at?
2009-02-23 21:02:06
theres always me too. uncle dave doesnt have his p11 anymore, hes got a gold 1994 or 1995 g20 now. well be doing some work to it in a couple weeks here in my garage
2009-02-24 00:47:23
I'm always down. shoot me a call sometime. 509-842-6269

2009-04-07 07:29:39
I'm thinking we should organize a BBQ and drive sometime soon. Who's in?
2009-04-13 06:29:51
I'm down if its a sat/sun and not between 4-6 on saturday lol.
2009-04-17 13:14:16
I'm down for hosting a bbq. The Gnet/Dash meet I threw in AZ last summer was epic. Probably @ least 20 sr powered cars, folks from Cali even showed up. I'm lookin 4 a bbq fs so if any1 knows of 1..
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