Okay I've searched but didn't find the answer i was looking for. I was told from a pretty good source that the torque spec on the VE cam caps were 8ft-lbs or 96 in-lbs. I just want some clarification on that.
should be about right, i set my in-lb torque wrench to 90 when doing all my de cam caps, it should be pretty similar being the bolts are the same size, just the cap size thats different. Hope that helps, it does have a range so you should be just fine at 90 in-lb
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1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R - Fully Built SR20VE, BWS400SX Billet 67mm and much more
JMS Racing tuned to 716whp, 423wtq at 29psi
10.5 @ 149.2mph to date I believe the fastest trap speed SE-R, Much more to come with some changes!