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Thread: heres a good one for you lot

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2008-09-15 14:58:07
heres a good one for you lot
started to strip down my SR16 over the weekend. took the rocker cover off to find a very very clean head. just this morning i took the sump off to find an 8CW crank, anyway i carried on and when i took the crank, rods and pistons out i measured the piston stroke marks inside the bores and it measured 86mm so some one has put the 2.0 crank and rods into this SR16, its also still using the SR16 pistons.

now on the crank and rods it has 1N5 on it which tells me its a VE crank and VE rods. the block is definitely an SR16 as it is stamped on.

my original plan was to just bolt down the SR16 head onto my SR20VE block but there now is no need to do that as i get to keep my SR16 pistons.

another thing that got me was that it had oil squirters and i was under the impression that SR16's didnt come with oil squirters?

this set up wont have any affect on compression will it? as basically the 2.0 crank and rods have been put into the SR16 block
2008-09-15 20:05:07
My SR16 has the oil squirters so he prob took them out vs cutting the piston side skirt.
2008-09-15 20:40:54
i didnt think any sr20ve came with a 8cw standard, later model sr16ves did though.
sr16ve's do come with squirter's and if it is indeed a 2.0l crank the sr16ve pistons will have had to have been notched to clear the squirter's
2008-09-15 20:44:40
All SR16Vs have oil squirters

99 and newer SR16VEs come with 8 counter weight cranks

If it has a 1n on the rods they are SR16 rods and crank.
2008-09-15 20:50:48
hmmmm so i wonder why the cylinder stroke marks measured 86mm? another thing the crank actually has 2.0 on it too
2008-09-15 20:53:03
yeah but it has 86mm stoke
2008-09-15 20:54:41
Get some pics Wezz
2008-09-15 21:30:55
i'll get some tomorrow. anyone have a picture of a notched SR16 piston?
2008-09-15 21:43:40
SR20VE on left SR16 on right.

SR16 vs SR20 rod
2008-09-16 17:52:02
sorry for the crap pics, took on my phone

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