im basicly doing the same for my friend although im not charging him really anything, i tore down the entire motor, inspected everything, sent it off to the machine shop, did all the ordering of the parts basicly, and once the machine work is done to the block i will be reasembling it all with new bearings, the new pistons on stock rods, new gaskets, new updated chain guide and bannana guide, new water pump, new ve front cover with gspec pulley set, time the motor and finish the entire reassembly. I dont charge my friends a lot to do the work, alot of times its for parts for my car in trade.
Now people i dont really hang out with much but know and are aquanted with i charge them a fair price, like $350 bucks to change out an 03 EVO clutch and flywheel is a smoking deal compared to anywhere else. the labor alone is over a grand, i get the job done in about 5 hours if i hustle. done a couple... and $350 to change out a headgasket on a Honda S2K that was overheated who knows how many times to where coolant was in every cylinder, i checked over the block surface with a straightedge and same with the head to find any damage, none found so i cleaned all the gunked coolant up and swapped headgaskets and whalla, runs like a champ. I keep my prices fair, like my buddy with this motor i will probably only charge him like $200 for this build, he knows how to put it in, but i will help plus i have to help him by wiring in the SAFC Neo for fine tune and triggering the solenoids which i will wire in a relay to do so. Thats all stuff he doesnt really understand or know how to do.
But anyways Miko thankyou and yeah i forgot the pistons did come with instructions as far as piston to wall clearances, i will stick to those. Thanks again miko, And if anyone is on the west coast that wants a build done to thier SR20 let me know, i wouldnt mind doing them, again im not going to charge no $200 to you guys, but i can be fair.
Plus the price the machine shop charged to install the sleeves was $650 here, which with the price of the sleeves comes out to around 1000. which is around the same price as what greg said darton charges, Actually he said it would be more like 1100. but dont quote me, but again if your closer to darton then hell i would go with them being they are the ones that do it all the time. It took our machine shop here a good while to get it finished but it came out really really good. Also if you want just an overbore they charge about $150 to bore and hottank the block. Thats a smoking deal. Ive had them do a couple different items and seen many of the other motors they have done and they are great and the turn around time on just an overbor is pretty fast. So the options are there.