Just installed an 8969. Everything seems to work, displays rpms, but it won't go/display over 5400rpms. After 5400 rpms it displays something like 1500rpms and increases from there. Anyone else run into this issue?
Yes. If I set the activation rpm to anywhere under 5400 it engages VVL. I moved the on/off points all over, didn't matter. It still went to somewhere around 1500rpms after passing 5400rpms. Wonder if this switch is bad. The 8950 I had hooked up just before this one worked fine.
Off the distributor. Just strange how it can't figure out what the rpm is after 5400rpms. I awaiting a response from MSD. Guess I'll just hook the 8950 back up.
Try tapping into the signal wire behind the gauge cluster. It really doesnt explain why it's doing what it's doing, but b14's usually have trouble reading the rpm from the dist, we always tap behind the gauge cluster or ecu for good signal.