A VE by itself will have a decent idle. Not an issue on VE engines, DE big boy cam engines will have a problem with the idle because the overlap would be so intense, the engine would require a higher RPM idle.
The biggest problem is cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap cars that want to fast on the cheap, because of cheap owners. Not picking on anyone, but that is a very clear truth.
No doubt - a VE will idle like an electric sewing machine all day long. The problem is, you need to wind that sucker out for it to wake up. When I was VE'd (is that a word?), I realized I would drive for weeks and barely ever get on the big cam in daily driver mode. Maybe it's because I'm uh.... experienced (that's spell O L D), but I don't want to be the guy turning heads when I get on the loud pedal.
I've owned multiple VE and turbo SR20's and for my money, if you're looking for daily driver friendliness, a small (T25/T28/2560r) turbo absolutely destroys a VE every which way. Torque trumps rpm's all day long when it comes to flexibility. And we're blessed with the availability of factory parts, (which equates to amazing reliability), for crazy cheap prices. Show me another normally aspirated platform that gives you the ability to buy a factory cast iron manifold, downpipe, injectors, etc for lunch money that easily doubles the horsepower?
As far as cheap, cheap, cheap goes. I'm right with you. Don't be a bitch. Spend the money for a good tune, a good clutch, gauges, all new hoses, etc etc. Don't be that guy with the cheap couplers that blow off all the time, and eBay slim fans running off a toggle switch drilled zip-tied under your steering wheel.
You want a G R E A T daily driver? Then you need torque, and that means boost. Just do it right... you're already half way there with a bluebird/avenir/gtir manifold & j-pipe.
/rantmode off.