So I've been looking for a se-r for a while now mainly because I have a 99 GXE with the 1.6 and it's a fun little car to drive once you get it up to speed, just takes a little while, so I found a kid on the old interweb who had one for sale and he kept going on how it was a sr20ve motor swap, didn't know anything about them but it was a 2.0L and a stick shift so i bought it, and I might have jumped into a can of worms. So after some research just to find out exactly how the engine swap was done I have a few questions and apologize in advance if they are noob questions. The setup that I am now the proud owner of, as far as I can tell uses a older version msd 8969 window switch to run the solenoids and the original sr20de ecu. My questions are what exactly do the solenoids do and other posts say that you should use 2 switches, one for each solenoid and what rpm should the solenoids be activated at? How do I check if the solenoids are engaging at all and does the window switch without relays have the amperage to engage the solenoids or do I need to install relays on each solenoid? The way the setup is now they have one wire from the solenoid attached to the + battery and the other wire goes to the switch, is this right? Also my tach is off a bit, like 2000 rpm off, it says I'm idling at 3500 rpm and doing 70mph in 5th gear says I'm at 5500rpm, could the tach be bad or is something hooked up wrong? And last If I buy a chipped B13 sr20de ecu from nismotronic and have it tuned for the VE motor can I do away with the msd switch all together?
Chipped B13 SR20DE ECU, NismoTronic - Nissan ECU Tuning
Thanks for any help and great forum!!!
Chipped B13 SR20DE ECU, NismoTronic - Nissan ECU Tuning
Thanks for any help and great forum!!!