so i read through a shit ton of posts about the stepping sizes and dimensions. this header is VERY similar to the honda big tube stepped tri-y header. the 4-2 is slightly larger and the 2-1 is as well.
Honda Big Tube
Primaries = 43.3mm to 45.3mm to 48.8mm
4-2 collector = 48.8mm
2-1 collector = 51.8mm
Outlet = 65mm (2.5inch)
Ebay VE Tri-Y
Primaries = 42.4mm to 45.2mm to 48.3mm
4-2 collector = 50.8mm
2-1 collector = 65mm
Outlet = 65mm (2.5inch)

Originally Posted by
...and you'll have no issues flipping the tri-y
yea, when im done with it I will most likely be putting it up on this forum for $220ish. I got it for cheaper than ebay and its used now so yea. never used the head to manifold gasket that was included if anybody wants it. i just re-used my mls gasket that was already on there.