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Thread: VE's SUCK....alot of air

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2008-06-21 02:22:24
VE's SUCK....alot of air
Well I thought I would pass along my story.

Last night I took off my CAI in replace of the stock NX2000 airbox,because Im going for the "clean/stock" look. I put the airbox in with a OEM flat air filter. Took it out for a test drive and it ran quiet and strong. Drove it to work(45mins)with zero problems. The problems started on the back form work. I was sitting in traffic in the 25c weather and it started to hesitate and bog down to 500rpm than back up to about 1000rpm idle. Then the revs went low and lower until she died. Started right up, and started to bog down again. Traffic picked up and all seemed fine,until the car bucked and jerked back and forth. Looked at my little disco A/F gauge with it reading all the way to rich. Pulled over and decided to take off the stock box because with it running rich it had to be throwing fuel in to compensate for the lack of air. So I "Macgivered" a temp WAI from a cone filter I had and the stock box. Ran AWESOME after that!!!

Got home to put on a proper WAI and drove it around town. Never better(louder that the CAI too). So just throwing it out there.... A stock NX2000 air box is no good for a VE motor,as it sucks more air then a DE motor.

Who knew?
2008-06-21 04:03:45
weird.... anyways nice to know!!! lol...
2008-06-21 04:09:02
Originally Posted by nismosr20

Who knew?

i did
2008-06-21 06:36:34
Originally Posted by The
i did

me too
2008-06-21 07:04:32
I was under the impression that it was about the same before the VVL. But then again I also know absolutely nothing about Ve's
2008-06-21 12:06:38
Originally Posted by The
i did

Originally Posted by sqd
me too

you both tried it? same outcome as me?
2008-06-23 15:14:50
FYI, while I was waiting to get my MAF adaptor when I changed to the VE MAF, I used the VE top airbox (it came with the engine) and it was matching perfectly to the B15 SE's bottom airbox I had.

Is there a size difference between B15 and B13 boxes? I was not having any issues driving around...
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