Well, a little update. I ditched the ssac and 2.5" on the car. Installed the race header and the car felt much better with a slight hiccup in vvl. Installed new cap/rotor and oem plug wires and the problem went away. Car felt strong for what it was, that is until third gear decided to shred lol. I noticed on logs I had issues with injector duty total spiking but it didn't effect the afr's or anything. Weird.
i had this same problem, but i am coil on plug, started since i went vvl plug, i and using a low side driver to trigger the vvl, with or without the relay it did this, even when i tried using a msd activation switch, i am thinking interference with the solenoid and dizzy.
I had issues with timing errors which I thought was related to the spikes. I replaced the shielded wires from the ecu to the distributor. Converted to OBD2. Spent time discussing with guys at AEM who have never heard of it. Car stopped having timing errors but still shows the spikes. I am just worried seeing it spike say from 50% duty cycle to 102% duty cycle. So far have tried 5 distributors, 2 VVL solenoids, a walbro 255, a walbro 450, 2 engine harnesses, new injector clips, and countless grounds. No breaks in the harness as I had it all torn apart. So damn bizarre but I'll see once I get the car running again. Let me know if you find a solution @Forced Compression .
Got the car running strong without the relays. The only issue I seem to have no is duty cycle spikes randomly WOT when I am data logging. Hopefully getting the car together soon so will try and sort it out asap.
Originally Posted by nismo94tuner Alright guys, very simple. How are you guys switching the vvl solenoids? I had them powered with a 12v signal and used a switched ground output to activate them. Issue is my car breaks up and has insane spikes in duty cycle when the cross over happens then it clears up and runs fine. Has anyone used the HS1 output to activate and ground the solenoids to the block/chassis? This is my last issue to fix before hitting the rollers. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!