So got basically everything needed to mount my bumper
THE PROPER WAY WITH NO SAG & i'm so happy these are all Genuine oem parts
glad to see that they're still in rotation, Can't seem to find an oem type x front lip though & I could imagine since my car would be lowered it wouldn't make sense to spend crazy amount of money on something so exposed to rocks, and driveways etc... so I will be purchasing a replica lip sometime soon. Also purchased the fender extensions since there was like 3 sets left & the paint on them makes me NOT want to mount this bumper so afraid of the future road damage
Also got my rear brake lines braided, Hopefully during the engine swap I will get all the hard lines steel braided if possbile
Anywho updates been slow, the shop has been getting some work in lately so my car has been put on hold which I don't mind, plus schools been kicking my butt.
Been brainstorming ideas for a new daily & restoring the 240 makes me really want to semi restore another car I was thinking a b14 again but going with a vq swap for more reliability & parts availability. Just waiting on the info from Brownspeed to show me pics of how the a/c is mounted in the chassis. b14 + 09 fwd maxima motor sounds plentiful for a daily right ? maybe project 2017 So if anyone is thinking of selling ONLY a
1995 SE-R B14, keep me in your crosshairs. Other than that I was thinking an E36 m3, audi s4, K-series Integra, CRX, EG hatch (but we know how that goes in the Honda world) or just getting a boring daily, but time & financial standings will tell. If anyone has recommendations I'm all ears
My old b14 for pics since I took them down from the 1st page