It may save you money in the end if you are planning on getting more modifications down the road, so you don't have to go swap again from a 2.5 to a 3"
My go-fast mods are:
-N1 cams with supertech valve springs
-JMR header
-Cold air intake
-G-Spec crank and water pump under drive pulleys
-Marsh ECU
-Port & polished head
-Fidanza flywheel (well not really a "go fast" but u know what I mean)
And of course, the 3" exhaust. That setup made 206WHP before the head polishing. No doubt, the 3" makes more power over the 2.5" when combined with other modifications. So if you plan on getting those kind of things I'd go for the 3". Again, just removing the catalytic converter on my car increased the peak WHP from 198WHP to 206WHP. That shows you how much the car needed to "breathe" or "exhaust" ----> in this case that word is used as a verb.