I know the grounds are a little different and I'm willing to work with the wiring, just wondering if the VE starter would work on a usdm flywheel? Will the teeth match up or are they different?
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1993 KJ5 Bluebird NX2K (SHOOKNX) 1992 KH3 VE Sentra 2015 Dodge Ram2500 DD (Nissan Support Vehicle)
Jdm starter won't engage into the flywheel, like as if the start is spinning, but not on the flywheel, acts as if its getting forced into the flywheel and trying to spin but the teeth just won't grab.
I could be wrong but if im not mistaken a VE starter does not have threads for two bolts. One side will need a long enough bolt with a nut on the end. If you didnt do this the starter will move and do what you are explaining.