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Thread: questions

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2008-05-22 20:25:48
when i saw the word "VTEC" my jaw dropped
2008-05-22 20:31:39
Originally Posted by GT2871RBLUBIRD

i say ban stick for anyone that flocks over here with these questions, that are completely insane

Should we have that 24 hour new account posting thing like on the old forum?
2008-05-22 22:36:42
wow ju guys are funny. VTEC SAUCE!!!! IT"S THE SAME THING CUZ MSS DOESN"T SAY VVL!!!!!! lol ****
2008-05-22 23:38:13
its the same thing !!!!!! thats y i dont ever post on these stupid things cuz of people makin fun and s*** im looking for awnsers not bull **** from people.. i thought this was a helping community but i guess not for get i even asked!!!!
2008-05-23 13:26:27
helping a community.... sorry, you are right. thanks for the help
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