Erm...Im sorry maybe you haven't done your research completely on the tri-y to SR subject but its been covered. And common sense an honda header won't fit on a nissan plug and play. That simple. You need to change the flange re route the tubes un weld and re weld to turn around the tubes and make it fit nice. They clear A/C and everything. That header was from my street B14.
I don't have specific instructions on doing it but its not that hard. I get them made at local muffler shop.
Ill see if when I get my new one made Ill take a few pics for you guys and maybe help who ever has the tools to make you one.
An avarage $ on buying the header plus ve flange and getting it redone will cost around $500-$600 range
Its still a great price for the performance and great looking and working header. Plus its been really proven to work on many cars here.
yep, hope i didn't come across the wrong way ( i'm on your side with all this ). this is such a cheap yet good option to anything else out there, its not funny.
it dawned on me that once the header manifold flange is off, and as the primarys aren't welded to the secondary's, that it may be possible to then make a "mirror image" of the way the honda headers are now, or go 3,1,4,2 (pipe's from lhs) or something like that, which "should " fit really well. is that what you done?
Last edited by sss4me
on 2013-04-24
at 04-26-44.