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Thread: Header reaming....

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2013-04-16 21:24:13
Header reaming....
Are there specific headers that need to be reamed to fit on the VE head or is it pretty much all of the beside the Japanese header? I have a pre2.5"SSAC header I am putting on to get my car going but have read I need to make the bottom of the flange bolts longer to move it up to match the exhaust ports.

Also if its needed what's the easiest method to do this? I have a drill and dremel.
2013-04-17 10:49:49
Once you test fit the header to the head and look at how the gasket fits the header and the head you will see what's going on. All you probably need to do is slightly enlarge the stud holes in the header and hold it up as you snug the first couple nuts to get a reasonable alignment between the header and the exhaust ports. This will get you running with the header that you have.
2013-04-17 12:23:10
^This. Would be easier to make the holes larger using a carbide tip on an air drill.
2013-04-17 14:34:21
I marked it with the gasket and used a long small round tapered file.
2013-04-17 15:39:06
I assume you all used a VE exhaust manifold gasket right?
2013-04-17 19:03:55
I like this gasket from Nissan

Exhaust Manifold Gasket, VVL (Turbo), Exhaust manifold gasket from the SR20VET. Fits all VVL, is stainless and re-usable..

It's reusable.
2013-04-17 20:27:59
That's what I needed to know ill be ordering a bunch of stuff from GregV tomorrow
2013-04-17 22:33:12
them vet gaskets are the truth!

going on reuse #3

2013-04-20 20:25:21
Originally Posted by klassickrican
I marked it with the gasket and used a long small round tapered file.

how long did that take?
2013-04-20 21:11:31
Originally Posted by vqman
Originally Posted by klassickrican
I marked it with the gasket and used a long small round tapered file.

how long did that take?

Not long Man You Just have to "Strong Arm It" ..30min
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