April 18, 2013 UPDATE. IT'S ALIVE
Thread: http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/66920-injector-noise-after-new-head-gasket-install-b13-ve.html#post898154

March 10, 2013 UPDATE:
It was the head gasket, as some of you correctly suggest. We took the opportunity to do a lot of upgrades. Please check page 2 for before and after photos and more information.
This was the original post:
This happened when it was 45 degrees out. I am running distilled water and Redline Water Wetter as coolant. After 40 minute drive the temp needle kept going up and I got home, popped the hood and hit the radiator cap switch, and the video is the result. I was driving kind of hard though.
It's a 92 SE-R with VE swap and basic bolt ons.
I drove this car in 98 degree heat last July to the beach for 2 hours and had no problems.
Thread: http://www.sr20-forum.com/general-sr20/66920-injector-noise-after-new-head-gasket-install-b13-ve.html#post898154

March 10, 2013 UPDATE:
It was the head gasket, as some of you correctly suggest. We took the opportunity to do a lot of upgrades. Please check page 2 for before and after photos and more information.
This was the original post:
This happened when it was 45 degrees out. I am running distilled water and Redline Water Wetter as coolant. After 40 minute drive the temp needle kept going up and I got home, popped the hood and hit the radiator cap switch, and the video is the result. I was driving kind of hard though.
It's a 92 SE-R with VE swap and basic bolt ons.
I drove this car in 98 degree heat last July to the beach for 2 hours and had no problems.
Last edited by Storm88000
on 2013-04-19
at 03-51-23.