I've read through the majority of this and wanted to touch on a few points. In my opinion the xcessive runs out of breath just a little too early on the VE. Usually around 7800 rpms and you may as well shift because you're wasting time. You may as well go back to DET. I know for a fact that on the VE runners if you add between 1"-2.5" you can fine tune your powerband to exactly where you want it. Center fed manifolds seem to keep egt's much closer on every cylinder from what I've experienced although feeding the TB can cause issues. I Run an oval TB with dual plates on it with the reasoning that not only does it feed the cylinders more evenly, I have a monster ass 4.5" diameter 90* bend before it and it narrows it in the direction of the airflow (if that makes sense). The inside and outside of the bend match up to the long sides of the oval.
V stacks seem to work really well, although I haven't compared them side by side with one that doesn't have them.
Extremely important that the inside is prettier than the outside.
These runners put you at around 7900 right with the excessive.
And these replace excessives. This was a duplicate, I would have liked to have seen him go just a little shorter.
These runners were good to 8250 rpms.
I hope this helps some of you clear up some questions you may have.