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Thread: swap question

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2008-05-09 22:46:02
swap question
So,im planning a ve swap for my se-l,and i was curious as to exactly wat is needed.I can get a long block thru my friends shop.I can get the engine,tranny,ecu,and harness.it mght have more but i will have to check.im wonmdering wat else is needed like axles or mounts or shift linkage ect..
and does any wiring need changed on the harness?any input is greatly appreciated.thanks guys
2008-05-10 05:33:03
check the faq in the sr20ve section on sr20forum.com. there is at least two full write ups on installs with pictures
2008-05-10 23:05:26
cool,will do.

So i went there,and saw that i jus need to wire the 2 vvl solenoids,and wire the distributor.
the links with pictures and the wiring diagram are dead tho,any alternative?
also,wat if i get the harness with the engine,would that just drop in with the vvl ecu?
maybe i should get a det...
2008-05-11 02:35:45
i believe the vvl ecu wont work because it was meant for cvt trannys. the wiring diagram is on a few threads. search for ve distributor and it should bring it up. chriscar has some pics but they are for a highport swap. what pics do you need? im in the middle of a swap right now and i may have the ones you need.
2008-05-11 07:08:33
Just use your usmd distributor, no sense in using the ve one.
2008-05-11 13:52:43
Didnt one of the ve's have a six speed on it?
the pictures i was lookin for are for the lowport swap.id like to see the wires i need to add/modify.see,nuts and bolts are easy to me,but electrical not so much.
2008-05-12 05:55:44
get some 16VE cams and use the 16VE ECU...if you can find one
2008-05-12 12:03:42
very easy swap. solinoids have no +or- just give one wire power per sol and contol the ground with a window swich.

5hr motor swap with air tools
2008-05-13 01:19:07
cool,so power to the solenoids,ground to a swithch(thinking of the msd)and run the correct ecu wire to the box?and air tools i have.ill be doing it at my shop.problem is i need a tranny.its the second one ive gone thru already.be posting an add shortly when i free up some cash.waiting on that money from the government they jus sent out.
the main reason i wanna do ve is cuz ive already killed two trannys and i think the det will just eat more,plus axles.im kinda poor so yea.lol.plus all motor 4 bangers are frickin cool.
2008-05-14 03:19:51
i have a sr16ve ecu .... waiting for my other ecu from calum
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