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Thread: DIY Air flow bench for head port using a MAF

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2012-11-18 06:05:30
DIY Air flow bench for head port using a MAF
Since my swapped VE head was ported when I got it (and damn did they ported it!) I was reading about optimizing intake flow and the need of a flow bench to measure results and was thinking about the possibility of doing a "home made" bench.
Not saying I'm planning to do it, but I'm interested in knowing if something like this would work. I mean giving some meaningful results, not a scientific paper

This is what I was thinking

What do you think?
Last edited by Nicoxis on 2012-11-19 at 01-10-17. Reason: Title grammar wrong
2013-02-20 22:16:44
Originally Posted by Nicoxis
Since my swapped VE head was ported when I got it (and damn did they ported it!) I was reading about optimizing intake flow and the need of a flow bench to measure results and was thinking about the possibility of doing a "home made" bench.
Not saying I'm planning to do it, but I'm interested in knowing if something like this would work. I mean giving some meaningful results, not a scientific paper

This is what I was thinking

What do you think?

Hi Have build one like this. Will take photos and post it !!
2013-02-21 16:45:37
Originally Posted by derm

Hi Have build one like this. Will take photos and post it !!

Really?! I thought this had been buried in the forum long time ago lol great to see someone else thought of it!
2013-02-21 22:26:15
HI using 10x 3 stage vacuum pumps to generate the vacuum!!! it flow close to 600cfm at 28"
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