I find it kind of strange that his 60' time was 0.0927 faster on his 11.2984 run compared to his 11.3587 but his 1/4 difference is is only 0.0603
Below is the (2) Runs side by side with the differences:
60'---1.7717----1.679---Difference -0.0927
330'--4.7951----4.7213-Difference -0.0738
1/8---7.3163----7.2415--Difference -0.0748
1000'-9.4999----9.4371--Difference -0.0628
1/4---11.3587---11.2984-Difference -0.0603
mph--121.2529--121.4791- Difference +0.2262
Maybe the slick are at a lower psi and more rolling resistance?
What do you guys think?