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Thread: 20VE problem

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2008-05-07 04:44:43
20VE problem
Today I was driving normal, then, my sparkplug wire #1 fail, i changed it, but now, i'm having a lot of gas at the cylinder 1, I remove the sparkplug, and, i can see the liquid gas, I try another sparkplugs and another wires and the probles is there.

I'm running with 333 injectors, and the stock DE ECU, but, i was driving with that setup about 1 month without problems, anybody knows??
2008-05-07 04:49:10
Are you sure that you arent getting spark, and the injector isnt stuck open?
2008-05-07 04:49:45
Sounds like your large amounts of gas ruined the plug. Correct me if I'm wrong but won't running 333's on a DE ECU with no form of management cause you to run excessively rich, thus causing your spark plug failure?

Seems like it to me! (333's are not OEM DE injectors right????)
2008-05-07 04:56:30
Originally Posted by Danja
Sounds like your large amounts of gas ruined the plug. Correct me if I'm wrong but won't running 333's on a DE ECU with no form of management cause you to run excessively rich, thus causing your spark plug failure?

Seems like it to me! (333's are not OEM DE injectors right????)

I ran the 333's with my DE ecu and 22* base timing for 6 months, it ran great. I thought he also said that he replaced the plug but maybe I read wrong. The de injectors are 259cc btw.
2008-05-07 04:56:41
I too ran 333 ve injectors for a while without issues, but the car lacked a lot of power. Put in a new set of plugs and close the gap slightly. This helps.
2008-05-07 05:00:57
Ok, I'll take your word that it runs good that way, but does anyone happen to know why? It seems like it should run rich since the ECU is expecting the smaller 259's. Advancing the timing would maybe help the issue, but wouldn't it still be super rich? Coheed maybe that's why you lacked power?
2008-05-07 05:03:29
Originally Posted by Danja
Ok, I'll take your word that it runs good that way, but does anyone happen to know why? It seems like it should run rich since the ECU is expecting the smaller 259's. Advancing the timing would maybe help the issue, but wouldn't it still be super rich? Coheed maybe that's why you lacked power?

It still ran a little rich. But honestly, when I finally put the calum in with the ve program and dropped my timing back down to 15*, I felt no difference.
2008-05-07 05:08:42
Lol alright, didn't mean to thread jack but it's related

Monkey are any of your other plugs in similar condition? Even if it works well for some people it could still be a problem if it happens to foul them up too much??
2008-05-07 05:48:04
Just the spark #1 has drops of liquid gas, #2 #3 and #4, are ok, a little rich, but, ok.... My problem appeared when the wire fail.

Do I need remove the injector to check it?
2008-05-07 17:32:46
You can check the resistance across it I think but I don't know what it's supposed to be for those. Also, aren't they are supposed to click when they fire if they are working I think? (Haven't really diagnosed injectors too much).

Is it possible your cylinder is just hardcore over flooded right now because your wire died? Maybe that's why it doesn't want to work.. you could leave the plug out for a day or something so that extra gas can evaporate out and try it then.
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