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Thread: RPM limit

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2008-04-30 19:25:36
RPM limit
Hi, how much rpm can i rev securely in my Stock 20VE, i heard 7800 and 8200, but im not sure, im going to buy Calum, Thanks!!
2008-04-30 20:20:39
Careful, I'm sure Calum is VERY expensive.
2008-04-30 21:25:16
Originally Posted by mirrortints
Careful, I'm sure Calum is VERY expensive.

Originally Posted by ThE_mOnKy
Hi, how much rpm can i rev securely in my Stock 20VE, i heard 7800 and 8200, but im not sure, im going to buy Calum, Thanks!!

There is no point in taking it past 8k with stock cams.
2008-05-01 04:19:41
it's just a question, i just want to know the engine limits
2008-05-01 04:36:06
Originally Posted by ThE_mOnKy
it's just a question, i just want to know the engine limits

I wasn't laughing at your question per say. We were pokin fun because you said you wanted to buy Calum, as in the person not a Calum ecu
2008-05-01 06:59:35
Originally Posted by jer_760
I wasn't laughing at your question per say. We were pokin fun because you said you wanted to buy Calum, as in the person not a Calum ecu

I know you are not laughing.

I'm going to buy calum because im going to do a lot of changes in a future, like maf and injectors, but not in this moment.... in this moment i'm with 333cc and stock DE ecu, but my MPG are not good, my spakrplugs are dark, i need tune up my ecu.
2008-05-01 07:15:08
Originally Posted by ThE_mOnKy
I know you are not laughing.

I'm going to buy calum because im going to do a lot of changes in a future, like maf and injectors, but not in this moment.... in this moment i'm with 333cc and stock DE ecu, but my MPG are not good, my spakrplugs are dark, i need tune up my ecu.

You sure want Calum badly, huh?
2008-05-01 15:43:50
eeeh, yep jaja
2008-05-01 21:07:24
Someone answer his question (I'm interested too). When do valves start floating with stock cams/springs? Or is there a different reason not to rev it past xxxx rpm?
2008-05-01 21:29:37
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Someone answer his question (I'm interested too). When do valves start floating with stock cams/springs? Or is there a different reason not to rev it past xxxx rpm?

Power pretty much takes a nose dive after 7200 with most setup's with stock cams, that's why I was saying there is really no point in taking it higher than 8k. I think with 20ve cams the valves float around 8200-8300. 16ve cams start floating just a little bit higher than the 20ve, the 16ve cams have more duration, but about the same lift.
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