Good lord,what gaskets are you guys using. And are you guys getting these heads resurfaced and if so how much is being taken off.
the only time I have smacked exhaust valves was when I over revved it past 9000 Rpms on a misshift and that was on 20v pistons.Eventually the misshift did some damage to the block and swapped it out for a de bottom end.
I also had that same Head cut 3-4 times in the past and while testing the motor i went +5-5 on de pistons and i had an idea it touched just by how the motor sounded when it switched over.when i removed the head I noticed marks. Other than that I have yet to see any other smack with the cams straight up or with minimal advance or retarding.
I've done 10+de/ve swaps and only had one of my own personal motors touch due to the above events.
I don't wish to steer anyone in the wrong direction but I have my results and conclusions.