Originally Posted by
STRATTONi dont car about what ever local car u talking about. obviously it wasnt running like it should or you wouldnt have stood a chance.
were discussing the best of the best.
theres k cars running times you couldnt touch with another 15k into your car.
And you have the temerity to talk about respectful?

Originally Posted by
STRATTONdont come out your face, i still remember your dweeby self begging me to get info and spec from junior ... lol. and i did happily.
Yeah, you got the info from the scumbag Jun, because you don't have a clue yourself. The blind thief leading the blind and gullible.
Oh yeah, and Stratton? I told you so.

Originally Posted by
STRATTONjust cause i dont wanna nut swing on a full blown race motor that only runs mid 11s at best im a hater cause i dont wanna break the mold lol.
No. You're a hater because you have been bitching about
your failures for a year or so now. You're a hater because you love Honda's and have made
every single member on this board sick of your love-affair with them. You're a hater because you are sticking around on an SR20 forum, still arguing about the superiority of the K's, looooooong after all of us are tired of hearing you incessantly yap about it.
Go do "big things" on hondatech, or hondaworld, or hondadotcom, or kseriesnutswingersareus or where ever it is that you can feel all warm and fuzzy about your Honda. Where you can pay someone to put together off-the-shelf parts for you with a known and routine outcome. Where you can follow the herd. That should suit you just perfectly.

Originally Posted by
STRATTONremember i tried this a long time ago, did the high comp before anyone else along with the v3 cams. it didnt work out, still if it would have i still wouldnt have been running k times or making k power.
Rich, YOU did not try anything. Get real. You paid others to try.

Originally Posted by
STRATTON i recently bought a 2.3 for the so called sr20 guru sr20-gtir and it ran like crap, tuned and all. so now my views have changed.
Not the whole story at all. Your warped, childish, delusional and twisted view of it. You know it, I know it, Jamie knows it, and the whole forum knows it.

Originally Posted by
STRATTONdo as you please, i wish u guys the best, just be respectfull when i say the k is a better motor, im not bashing you per say, just the 2.3/2.4. it has worked for what 3 guys out of our community. its never gonna be common place, just face the facts. you lucked out and your motor has stayed together, more power to ya !
Be respectful?
Fuck you Stratton. This entire post of yours has been
nothing but disrespectful. To the collective forum, to our motors, to Jamie, to Cory. Wish us the best? Lucked out? Not bashing per say? Per say? Really? Go watch South Park and the vampires vs goths, you sound like
a twit. Yes, you are bashing.
You are not a pioneer Rich, you never were and never will be. You paid guys to build your shit. You short-cut and cheaped-out all along the way. You expected miracles from Jamie on fixing that cluster-fucked fubared shit that Jun bent you over on. Gave Jamie no time, no budget, and did not follow his advice. Then immediately went racing in your new Big Wheel. It broke due to
your stupidity. Then you stamped your feet, pouted, cried, and had a temper tantrum like the spoiled child you are. Blaming everyone but yourself.

Originally Posted by
STRATTONyou always feel the need to say ohh i beat this and i beat that. ive walked z06's and new coyote 5.0 liter stangs on slicks, porsche 911 gt3's, vipers, cobras you name it, gixxer 750s and rolled out with 1000cc tuned street bikes.
Who feels that need? You do Rich. You've talked that exact same smack on this forum for years. The pot calling the kettle black.

Originally Posted by
STRATTONtheres always gonna be some one faster. and that some one is the k.
Real respectful
dickhead. You're on an SR20 forum. Making friends and influencing people.
You've morphed into nothing but a PITA
troll Rich. An unwelcome attention whore. A pathetic, bitter, disrespectful, childish, intolerable butt-of-our-jokes.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Rich. You won't be missed so much as an iota by anybody.
Shawn B