The purpose of the pulleys is not just weight but it slows down the water pump and in return will net you less water friction. Slows the alternator.slowing down the accessories reduce the effort the motor needs to move them in the first place.
But for 250.00 do not buy the other 2 pullies.
My major point is that the G-Spec crank pulley already under-drives the A/C and alternator section of things. I don't believe it under-drives the P/S or water pump stuff though, if it does it isn't by much. So you're already doing some under-driving already.
You can't compare an OEM water pump to an electric in this way. The OEM water pump runs all the time but doesn't involve the radiator in the system until the thermostat opens. With an electric pump (unless you install it in the OEM position) if you run it all the time in the suggested configurations it will always draw water through the radiator, which is why things take for ever to warm up if it stays on all the time.