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Thread: What ECU are you using?

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2012-04-19 02:36:39
What ECU are you using?
im looking for options to ECU tuning, I am running a p11 VE ECU and VVL kicks in at 6200 and am looking for ways to reprogram the daughter board

Nismotronic and Nistune both uses DE ecus and I have yet to know if a DE ecu would work on mine. Nismotronic has a lot of fun features

a local guy does reprogramming but it costs a lot for a rechip you could buy a Nismotronic realtime

a friend who has Crome dealer software (for Honda) sad he has software updates that Crome can now tune Nissan/Infiniti ECU and he can reprogram the VE ECU, hes just waiting for the hardware...

I wanted to see what ECU you guys are running on your VEs...
2012-04-19 04:23:47
nistune here
2012-04-19 06:56:29
Calum basic
2012-04-19 07:32:25

Full standalone EMS for $240 + shipping. What more could you need?
2012-04-19 07:45:38
NismoTronic Nemu and Calum RT with TunerCode
2012-04-19 08:19:58
Calum RTx2 with Tunercode & Nismotronic
2012-04-19 11:44:16
Nistune here
2012-04-19 12:38:20

2012-04-19 12:46:34
Db w/tunercode
2012-04-19 14:08:25
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