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Thread: Post top 5 intake manifolds for sr20ve

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2011-08-26 02:23:06
Post top 5 intake manifolds for sr20ve
Please can you guys post the Top 5 intake manifolds proven that are better than the N1...

2011-08-26 02:29:48
ha! good luck!

you might look into the xcessive intake mani.. google will be your friend. theres also Bj's manifolds and again google will help.
2011-08-26 02:48:51
Pretty much have something custom made. Bjs seems to have disappeared but I guess there's always the Excessive
2011-08-26 02:52:25
You can keep your heater with the Excessive manifold.
2011-08-26 03:02:54
so xcessive intake mani its proven that is better than the N1 mani? who has dyno sheet results?
2011-08-26 03:08:15
the n1 makes no power over a stock intake mani.

i personally am not to impressed with the excessive mani.

i have a mani made in maylasia. im also not to impressed with it either, although i feel it is much better then excessive and it was cheap.

your best option is like cory said, have it custom built.

unfortuneatly there isnt many options as far as intake manis go for ve's, but the aft ones that are avaliable are better then stock or n1.

2011-08-26 03:30:22
Originally Posted by Miguel
so xcessive intake mani its proven that is better than the N1 mani? who has dyno sheet results?

I do but they aren't mine to share .
2011-08-26 03:31:37
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
I do but they aren't mine to share .

are they better yes or no?
2011-08-26 03:31:59
Originally Posted by STRATTON
the n1 makes no power over a stock intake mani.

i personally am not to impressed with the excessive mani.

i have a mani made in maylasia. im also not to impressed with it either, although i feel it is much better then excessive and it was cheap.

your best option is like cory said, have it custom built.

unfortuneatly there isnt many options as far as intake manis go for ve's, but the aft ones that are avaliable are better then stock or n1.


please can u list me names of aft ones... Thanks.
2011-08-26 03:32:58
Originally Posted by cory
Pretty much have something custom made. Bjs seems to have disappeared but I guess there's always the Excessive

What you recommend cory? what should I get?
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