The class is G/PRO, it's on the quarter glass. The current record of just under 157 was held by a Cosworth Vega.
Bonneville Salt Flats 76 Cosworth Vega Twin Cam | MyRideisMe.com
PRO class is a production class for coupes and sedans. GT is for 2 seater cars.
The G/GT class record is held by a Miata that just broke the record the day before. I know because I set the last G/GT record with a stock K20 in a Honda Insight.
Bonneville Salt Flats 76 Cosworth Vega Twin Cam | MyRideisMe.com
PRO class is a production class for coupes and sedans. GT is for 2 seater cars.
The G/GT class record is held by a Miata that just broke the record the day before. I know because I set the last G/GT record with a stock K20 in a Honda Insight.