Anybody want to buy a VE? Seriously though, I just installed a VE fuel rail on my SR20VE motor. I was using a modified RR SR20DE rail before but it wasn't sealing right even with new VE injector seals. My car is already running rich because temporarily using DE ECU until I can get my Calum RT installed, so I swapped out the VE injectors and put in DE 259cc side-feeds.
I made sure to install the return line coming off of the FPR and the feed line by the damper. But now I'm running insanely rich, the car wants to stall, but doesn't and there is a very weird smell coming out of the tail pipe. I also saw a bit of smoke from behind the intake manifold??
I didn't change anything other then the rail. I reset the ECU after the install to see if the car would run better, but I know that isn't the problem.
The rail seals way better than the DE rail so I figured I would have a better running engine, not noticeably worse.
Is the FPR somehow out of wack on the VE rail? Although it's stock, so I wouldn't think so.
The only thing that I can figure is that the RR feed and return lines are different than I thought, but I thought all of Nissan's return lines fed off of the FPR? If I had them backwards the car wouldn't start and drive right?
I can feel flow in both lines.
Car is really sluggish and backfires worse than before I swapped the rails.
Anybody have any suggestions, am I missing something here?
I made sure to install the return line coming off of the FPR and the feed line by the damper. But now I'm running insanely rich, the car wants to stall, but doesn't and there is a very weird smell coming out of the tail pipe. I also saw a bit of smoke from behind the intake manifold??
I didn't change anything other then the rail. I reset the ECU after the install to see if the car would run better, but I know that isn't the problem.
The rail seals way better than the DE rail so I figured I would have a better running engine, not noticeably worse.
Is the FPR somehow out of wack on the VE rail? Although it's stock, so I wouldn't think so.
The only thing that I can figure is that the RR feed and return lines are different than I thought, but I thought all of Nissan's return lines fed off of the FPR? If I had them backwards the car wouldn't start and drive right?
I can feel flow in both lines.
Car is really sluggish and backfires worse than before I swapped the rails.
Anybody have any suggestions, am I missing something here?
Last edited by B15NEOVVL
on 2011-08-05
at 03-05-36.