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Thread: can this header work on my vvl

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2011-06-23 14:49:23
I vote NO

This is the classic eBay header for B series, a lot of friends have used this on their B16 and B18 to later improve to a Tri Y Hytech replica and obtained great gains.

If you're going with a honda header get a Hytech ish
2011-06-23 19:39:34
kevo so you are saying this header would not make hp guys pleases remember i live in barbados so shipping will kill me in price i got this header for free so i was going and see if it can work for me
2011-06-23 19:44:40
hey it was free so try it and tell us the results....
2011-06-23 19:47:52
dont know unless you try
2011-06-23 19:49:27
How big are the primaries? I wouldn't think it'd bolt up to a VVL head, but if you have the flange, I'm sure you can try it out.
2011-06-23 23:31:43

Look at the differnt port location, opening size is same

2011-06-24 02:11:00
it looks like it will work for me i will put i on but the only thing her is that there is no dyno here in barbados i which i had the money to buy one i would make a killing
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