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2011-06-25 13:35:41
Cory did you re-use the Mazworx gasket?

I am blowing exhaust into my coolant too on my 2.2L after removing the head.

My gasket is no good.
2011-06-25 13:41:12
I would hope that you didnt reuse the gasket.... Such an expensive build to skimp a $275 gasket. I know they arnt the cheapest gaskets but there is a coating on most metal gaskets and even after as little use as a couple days and you remove the head it will come off the gasket and its no good after that. It creates a smooth seal. Any time ive ever removed the head on a metal gasket ive always replaced it. I use the Cosworth headgaskets so they are only $147 shipped to my door but still. Bad idea to reuse a metal gasket.

Good luck if you decide to run the car Cory, im sure you will pull some good numbers either way with the extra power and torque.

What were you peaking power at with the V3's?
2011-06-25 14:56:02
I agree with Ashton. I see alot of people reusing metal gaskets and just spraying them with copper spray. I tried it once and ended up having to replace it for the same reason. I'm not saying that's what you did but I think a new gasket is the best option.

Who sleeved the block for you?
2011-06-25 15:18:08
I dont think its his sleeves. He didnt touch the block and it ran perfectly for the year or so that he had it running. So I doubt its a sleeve problem. Im hoping it was that you just reused the gasket and it didnt seal right anymore. The would be the simple solution and an easy fix.

I have never and will never use copper spray on a gasket. They already come with a coating like I said to help seal on the block and head surfaces. That coating is meant to come off when the gasket is removed. No need for the copper junk, It just makes a big mess and does absolutely no good.
Last edited by ashtonsser on 2011-06-25 at 16-02-11.
2011-06-25 15:55:47
im not really a big fan of non turbos but that's an impressive header !
2011-06-25 16:29:41
Originally Posted by cory
Ummm yea thanks Stratton...

Well see what happens like I said I'm guessing I'm blowing exhaust into the coolant. I had driven and run the car through like half a tank. But then first time it sees wot all the sudden were pushing coolant. The car has not gotten hot. So I might just see if I can get a few passes in anyways after really bleeding it well. Sucks though I wanted to take this class this year. Especially after only loosing by. 012 at this event last year... well see what happens.

I'm kinda thinking I should have stuck w my original plan and went 14:1 and e85 along w a new
header on my 2.3..

Also I'm thinking I should see nice gains from a 3.5in intake and my q45

Yes run a q45 and a 3.5 intale arm. Dont be discouraged. Your right on the cusp of your goal, fine tweaking is always the long hard (no homo lol) part.

Do what I said with the damp rag after you purge the shit out the coolant.

Jamie, what 2.2 do you have ? Is that the motor in the red beast ?

2011-06-25 16:40:31
Yea, the red 200's motor.

Ordering up a gasket this week.
2011-06-25 18:09:44
This is the hard part of these builds. Like Jamie mentioned a while back these big bore NA builds are not for the weak hearted. Cory you are one to take on the task. Just take it easy. You have done everything right. You will hit your goal!
2011-06-25 19:12:24
Well if it makes you feel any better, my buddy with a 2.5 liter K worked from top to bottom made 317whp/218wtq. Still impressive numbers. Would be nice to test another header to compare. Best of luck brotha!
2011-06-25 20:19:19
Cory I'm curious what radiator cap are you using? Stock 1.1bar or higher?

I had the same problem on a built motor and it ended up being a headgasket problem too.
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