Have a 91 se-r vet i blew the motor looking to rebuild i have det pistons n the n1 cams would it work? Looki for any pointers n tips im trynna hit at least 350 -400 hp but reliable i have everything i need jus need to do internals... Thnks
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91 se-r vet new build any pointers or parts for sale pls msg
Yeah i had a stock ve with injectors the n1 cams etc was tuned and dyoned at bout 310 but all internals were stock n it blew wht kinda pistons would be good
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91 se-r vet new build any pointers or parts for sale pls msg
Ok since your in CA who tuned the ecu? Your asking for help with no details like what size injectors, turbo, intercooler ect. I can't tell if your trolling or if your serious because this is your 2nd time posting this question.
Im using a t66 the injectors are i think 5 something i really dont rember n i got it already tuned i was boosting 14 lbs i actually blew thew whole fukin motor head n all the pistons actually cracked but i juz got a new motor ..i asked some other dude n he said if i put the det pistons tht i cant rev past 7k is tht true?
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91 se-r vet new build any pointers or parts for sale pls msg