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Thread: Coolant gauge Help???

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2011-04-29 18:01:47
Coolant gauge Help???
Hey guys, did my VE swap this passed week. Runs great now that the timing was slightly advanced and everything is working the way it should.. I had a quick question to ask any other b13/b14 VE owners..??

When i did my swap, i swaped over both Coolant Temp Sensors.. If i leave my sentra on, without driving, for about 30-45 mins, The coolant needle will climb up to about 1/4 less than half ways, and the fans will then kick in. But if i drive me vehicle in the Streets or Hwys, when i'm constantly moving and air is pushing towards my vehicle, the Needle drops all the way to Cold. You can see it slightly moving down as my speed Progress' or progress slowly up if i'm in stop and go traffic or city driving.

I have a Blackworks, aluminum, Radiator with MISHI hoses. Stock VE Thermostat, Same DE Temp Sensors (both) and 50/50 Coolant Rad Fluid.

Is this Normal?? I had a similar problem in the past with a swaped EG hatchback i had with an aftermarket Radiator as well, i think..

Any help will be greatly appreciated..!
2011-04-29 20:44:27
Get a new thermostat!
2011-04-29 20:53:57
You know i just noticed this morning that i have the same exact issue. Was going to post the question on here.So you beat me to it.
2011-04-29 21:20:44
Yes, i was thinking thats what i FAILED to do, after the fact that i put a gallon of Antifreeze.. :*(
2011-04-29 21:35:51
Get a genuine nissan one too.
2011-04-29 21:49:31
Mines stock rad and everything.
2011-04-29 21:50:03
ANY sr will do right??
2011-04-29 21:50:26
I mean, OEM SR..?
2011-04-30 15:37:42
yep that sounds like the thermostat.... i dont think they are all the same.... link gspec
2011-04-30 22:19:45
happend to me..

was fixed after properly bleeding air out of coolant system... and fixed all leaks.

you need a pressure tester for the coolant system just to make sure theres no leaks then bleed system .

there is a bleeder on the thermostat housing
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