sooooooo i have another way to use b14 distributors in ve swaps..
you take all the b14 dist guts including the shaft (the other shaft MMAAYY WORK A SLIGHT BIT BETTER BUT NOT SURE) and then put them on the VE dist pedestal..
the Bad things
some of the screw holes dont line up an the only thing keepin everything to gether is the screw on the shaft and the dist cap bolts..
another bad thing is it puts the dist in a goofy position an im not sure YET but setting the timing much higher then 15* maybe difficult.
gotta shave the dist rotor a tad so it dont rub on the inside of the cap.. no biggy..
gotta run the spark plugs 1 hole over, so 1 uses 2... 2 uses 4... 4 uses 3... 3 uses 1... every thing rotates 90*
Good things:
plugs don't interfere with the vvl solenoids
before i started the engine i put it to tdc on compression stroke to verify the dist rotor was pointing at the hole on the dist cap that i was going to use for the #1 plug wire.. sure enough it was..
so its goofy as shit an its going to get swapped for a b15 dist.. but for now it works
heres the dist
heres viprdudes stockish b14 at 25* base timing
see the difference?
i havent timed it with a light Yet, but i will see what kind of advancing i can do.. But the car runs an drives great!
you take all the b14 dist guts including the shaft (the other shaft MMAAYY WORK A SLIGHT BIT BETTER BUT NOT SURE) and then put them on the VE dist pedestal..
the Bad things
some of the screw holes dont line up an the only thing keepin everything to gether is the screw on the shaft and the dist cap bolts..
another bad thing is it puts the dist in a goofy position an im not sure YET but setting the timing much higher then 15* maybe difficult.
gotta shave the dist rotor a tad so it dont rub on the inside of the cap.. no biggy..
gotta run the spark plugs 1 hole over, so 1 uses 2... 2 uses 4... 4 uses 3... 3 uses 1... every thing rotates 90*
Good things:
plugs don't interfere with the vvl solenoids
before i started the engine i put it to tdc on compression stroke to verify the dist rotor was pointing at the hole on the dist cap that i was going to use for the #1 plug wire.. sure enough it was..
so its goofy as shit an its going to get swapped for a b15 dist.. but for now it works
heres the dist
heres viprdudes stockish b14 at 25* base timing
see the difference?
i havent timed it with a light Yet, but i will see what kind of advancing i can do.. But the car runs an drives great!