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Thread: my 300+ hp ve thread

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2011-03-15 17:26:03
2011-03-15 17:42:40
Originally Posted by Andreas
We dont care about that driving around video crap.

We want to see videos at the 1/4 mile track. I want to see some 121 MPH runs.


A video is better then no video at all. While he tries to go to the track let him post away street videos (as long as they abide by the forum rules).

Originally Posted by Andreas
Tiger blood and Sheen-ism

Yes, the true dumbing down of America. Keep them blinded by stupidity, while they pick your pockets and your soul.

2011-03-15 22:39:33
stupid torque

great job
2011-03-16 05:13:01
Can you guys do a small shot of juice? Please?
2011-03-16 12:55:25
very impressive!
2011-03-18 14:07:56
Originally Posted by Andreas
and what does this prove

Real world driving scenarios
I like the ripping around on the street videos better than the 1/4 mile myself is all
2011-03-18 18:39:38
thats it!
i come back from a week in Hawai'i to find this.
many knew the 300 n/a whp benchmark was achievable on a bb ve.
great job guys.
2011-03-18 18:51:16
ok so wher are the godamn videos already?
2011-03-18 18:55:53
Maybe this weekend we will play and have tons of footage.

But to get an idea its like this
2011-03-18 19:35:21

I forgot that the showdown is this weekend
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