Originally Posted by billc
You usually need some adapters for the heater hoses. I don't remember the details. You may also need some custom brackets for your throttle cable, depending on what throttle body you use.
You usually need some adapters for the heater hoses. I don't remember the details. You may also need some custom brackets for your throttle cable, depending on what throttle body you use.
Originally Posted by SR20GTi-R
You may need a butt-plug so you dont soil your seat when the cam switches.
Thats if you have never felt it before.
You may need a butt-plug so you dont soil your seat when the cam switches.
Thats if you have never felt it before.
This is odd, a fellow forum member told me to wear a condom when driving a freshly turboed SR20.
Thus... what I'm getting from both of these comments is; you get laid by a turbo SR20 and you get raped by a VVL SR20. I shall not introduce SR20VE-T into this equation because I am afraid of the outcome.